First Solo Backpacking Trip 2017

Quick Stats about my backpacking trip: 

  • Trail: Lake Thomas A Edison Trail from High Sierra Pack Station
  • Distance: 6 miles – 1 night / 2 days

This summer, I interned as a Geology Research Assistant for the Sierra National Forest. During these three adventurous months, my love for wilderness grew immensely. Each and every day was spent outdoors, hiking out in the pristine wilderness of the Sierras. I became prepped on wilderness safety by the Forest Service and from hiking trails every day at work, I quickly became familiar with the area. This internship gave me the confidence to explore the wilderness on my own. Throughout the course of the summer, I was lucky enough to go on four backpacking trips, three of those solo, and one camping trip with friends.

 First solo camping trip !! 

My first solo trip was to the ancient Sequoias of Nelder Grove, where I slept above a creek in a hammock and saw a black bear hiking the next morning. Obviously, I stopped to chat and we had tea. Just kidding, I made a noise with a stick and it took off -Black bears are notorious scardey cats. After that, I hopped over to another trail and hiked to the top of Fresno Dome.

TIP: Be prepared to have your butt freeze off in the middle of the night if you sleep over a creek, RIP my buns
They call it the Clothespin tree

Yoga on top of Fresno Dome..

Next adventure 

The next solo trip taught me a valuable lesson: that I always need to be prepared for random and drastic changes in the weather while up in the mountains. One day while conducting OHV trail monitoring at work, I came across a secret dispersed camping spot along Beasore Creek. I returned to the spot for some camping and just as I hung up my hammock near a babbling brook lined with wildflowers, the sky quickly began to turn gray and the air grew heavy with moisture. Luckily I had a tarp in my car, so I constructed a shelter over my hammock. As I slipped into my sleeping bag, it began to rain and thunder. That night was bitter cold, but the morning sun greeted me with a rainbow breaking through the old storm clouds.

Last solo trip in the Sierras 

Last weekend in the central valley called for a solo backpacking trip to the High Sierras. Explored Edison Lake, Florence Lake, Doris Lake, Mono Hot Springs, and Shaver Lake. Lake Edison is operated by the Southern California Edison Company to harness electricity. It rests at 7,600 feet and two sides of the lake back up into John Muir Wilderness. I parked at the High Sierra Pack Station and sauntered along the trail that parallels Lake Edison.
I want to return and try the side trails like Devils Bathtub or Graveyard Lakes…
map of Lake Thomas A. Edison
Mono Hot Springs, CA
Doris Lake // It’s fed by natural hot springs, so its actually a warm lake with huge rocks perfect for jumping off of
Florence Lake // Managed to take this snuggled up in my sleeping bag/hammock
first time using Sayer Squeeze water filter

Sunset over Lake Edison // Sierra NF

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